Hi, I'm Dave Mulder. This is my website, where I write about user experience and product design.

This post is part of a series regarding my recovery from a ruptured Achilles tendon.

Go to the full Achilles archive

Originally Published: August 8, 2015

Day 2 — Trying the hands-free crutch

Day 2 is the first of the surgery waiting game, a tenuous period in which I will sit around thinking about how I could be healing if I had had immediate surgery.

The only thing of note is that the hands-free crutch arrives at my front door. It takes a few minutes to assemble and fit on my leg, and then a little while to get used to walking with it, but I can see why it has so many positive reviews. I’m able to walk around at a reasonable speed.

Trying the hands-free crutch

One thing I’m sure of is that I’m not ready to take on stairs with this hands-free crutch. And I may never be ready to do so. I tried, briefly, but was unimpressed with the railing’s sturdiness.